Wednesday, October 29, 2014

MLA Citations

Arger, Peter. "Teaching Medical Students Diagnostic Sonography." Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine                     (2005). American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. Web.

Nall, Linda. "Sonography of the Parotid Gland." Sage Journals (1989). Journals of Diagnostic Medical      Sonography. Web.

Lee, Mi-Jung. "Morton Neuroma: Evaluated with Ultrasonography and MR Imaging." Korean Journal of Radiology (2007). Korean Society of Radiology. Web.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Research Topic Ideas

For the research project, I have decided to look into my future career as a diagnostic medical sonographer, or more commonly known as an ultrasound technician. While researching my future field, I hope I can prove to myself that I am on the right path. I hope going into this field will help me to remain a hardworking, dedicated, and caring person. Through helping others, I hope to help myself become an even better person everyday.


What hardships accompany a career as an ultrasound technician?
What skills will I need to be successful in the field?
How will being an ultrasound technician help me to become a better person?
How will I overcome any obstacles on the path to becoming an ultrasound technician?
Who will I look to to stay inspired?
Where can I find internships or opportunities to help gain knowledge into the field?
How will I remain content in my field?
How do I know this is the right career for me?
Can I write an entire research paper on this topic?
What sources will I use?
Will there be enough sources available?

Harvard Gazette Interview Summary

Edward O. Wilson was born in Alabama in 1929. Through Boy Scouts and reading plenty of National Geographic magazines, he gained a strong appreciation and interest for bugs, specifically butterflies and ants, at a young age. Soon, his dream was to become an entomologist. After receiving some public school education, with the help of professor Jack Sharp and acquaintances in the biology department at Harvard University, Wilson applied to and was accepted the Harvard. With his acceptance into the Junior Fellows, he had the desire to study ants in tropical rain forests. After a year of wandering in places like New Guinea, Mexico and Cuba, Wilson was on his was to achieving his goal.

            Along with his colleague, Robert MacArthur, he developed the theory of island biogeography. This theory hooked ecology with conservation biology. Another theory was developed with Wilson’s other colleague, Bill Bossert. This theory discussed the rate and extent to which pheromones spread. Writing has always been one of Wilson’s passions, and he writes everyday. He wrote a book called, Sociology. After his book’s discoveries, there was a controversial response. The critics, professors, and other audiences did not appreciate Wilson calling the brain a blank slate. Wilson believes the most exciting part about his field is how much knowledge is left to discover. He loves working at Harvard, and would never leave. His advice to young readers is to, “search until you find a passion and go all out to excel in its expression” (Wilson).  

Summoned Self Summary

Questionable Future

            The article, The Summoned Self, offers the idea of two ways to think about life. There is the Well-Planned Life and the Summoned Life. The writer, David Brooks, is trying to assist people that question the meaning of their life. Brooks explains these two ways of life so that the reader may choose which path to follow. The explanations and examples he gives of both ways of life will help the reader determine which path is most suitable for them. Brooks cites an essay written by Clayton Christensen to relate to the Well-Planned Life. According to Brooks, students were advised to, “invest a lot of time when they are young in finding a clear purpose for their lives”  (Brooks). The Well-Planned Life supports the idea of taking time out of a busy schedule to think and contemplate why God put one on this earth. This way of life suggests that doing this consistently will help the reader to discover the meaning and purpose of their life and future. On the other hand, Brooks also delves into the idea of a Summoned Life. Living a Summoned Life suggests that one cannot simply sit down, and after a few hours or days of thought, know their sole purpose in life. Life and the future are unknown, so there is no way to tell what obstacle or achievements may appear.

            Brooks mentions that a person leading a Well-Planned Life stresses individual agency. This person focuses on the individual needs at that moment. However, a person leading a Summoned Life questions the circumstances surrounding them, and what those circumstances are pressuring them to do. Brooks discusses less of his opinion when talking about the Well-Planned Life. He focuses of Christensen’s words and opinions rather than his own. In contrast, Brooks uses his own opinion to explain the Summoned Life when he says, “The first vision is more American” (Brooks). Although in the end he agrees that both ways of life are useful, he views the Well-Planned Life as more American and more helpful.

Assignment Challenges

1.     Challenges

There were SO many challenges while creating my blog! The dreaded broken robot kept appearing, which kept me from creating the blog. Eventually, once on my own computer, I was able to make the blog. Once I finally had my own blog, I had to search around to see what gadgets could be used and how I could design my blog. I tried out countless designs until I found the one I liked best. I had my perfect design, and then it would not let me post any blogs. Every time I tried to log on, it would take me to a separate page. I still have not figured out the problem, but I am sure I will overcome it just like the others.

Evolution of Dance

This video is called “The Evolution of Dance.” I chose this video to share because I personally think it brings pure joy and laughter to anyone that watches it. It is entertaining and funny. Music and dance have the power to bring generations together. People of all ages know at least a couple songs in the video. It is interesting and amazing to see how something so simple, like music or dance, can bring people together and show common interests.